Since 1971, the Suzuki Program, currently known as the Virtuoso Suzuki Academy, has been Long Island’s premiere Suzuki-based music school, providing outstanding instrumental instruction to thousands of children. In agreement with Dr. Shinichi Suzuki’s ideas, the School’s philosophy is that through the study of music, all children can achieve beyond their expectations. By fostering close collaboration between parents, teachers, and students, the Academy aims to build the love of music, self-confidence, discipline, good work habits, and outstanding achievement in every student.
When people think of Suzuki, they still think of the mass formations of three year-olds, lined up in matching outfits, playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in unison on the violin (the tune is played by the traffic lights in Matsumoto, in Suzuki’s honor). But that’s the Japanese way… in Long Island, it’s more about individuality.
The reason people come to the “Virtuoso Suzuki Academy” is not just to have fun but, by our children’s pursuit of music, to make the world a better place…. and for a child, learning music is just huge.
We invite you to explore all that we have to offer you by journeying through our site.